Category: General News
All other news about SNP in Orkney
Robert Leslie selected to fight Northern Isles seat for SNP at 2024 General Election
The Scottish National Party in Orkney and Shetland has selected Robert Leslie, who came second in the 2019 contest in the islands, as their candidate for the 2024 General Election.
Nicola Resigns, Orkney pays tribute
Orkney SNP has added to the tributes being paid to Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as she signals the end of her time in office.
SNP candidate calls into question OIC leader’s lack of consultation assertion
Orkney’s SNP candidate is surprised at OIC leader’s lack of consultation claim.
SNP Membership Boost
Orkney SNP welcomes boost to membership as local branch numbers rocket to over 250
The new Scottish Child Payment – which has been described as a “game-changer” in the fight to tackle child poverty – will open early for applications this month. Highlands & Islands MSP Maree Todd has encouraged parents and carers in Orkney who are eligible to apply now so that the Scottish Government…
Scotland Loves Local Fund
SNP MSP Maree Todd has encouraged projects across the Highlands & Islands to apply for a new £1 million fund, which has been launched by the Scottish Government to help promote town centres and online businesses and encourage people to spend locally. Grants of between £500 and £5000 will be…
Sean Lewis is our new Convener
Orkney SNP has a new person at the helm, with Sean Lewis taking over as convener after Donna Heddle stepped down at the branch’s recent annual general meeting.
Robert Leslie backs Common Weal Group pledge for a resilient independent Scotland
Orkney’s SNP candidate for next year’s Holyrood elections has backed a pledge that would protect the most vulnerable folk in the community as Scotland switches to a net-zero carbon economy.
Orkney’s Peaceful Protest
Contrary to social media posts Orkney’s protest against Boris Johnson was peaceful and trouble-free. … with no eggs.
Orkney Cheese Rumour
Far from boycotting Orkney Cheese, SNP would encourage you to go out and buy it and stick it on a Stockan’s Oatcake with some Orkney butter..